Category Archives: Projects

Nutshell journal

Catching up here on the blog. Thanks for your emails and complaints about not updating enough and writing about my whereabouts and projects. By now you know I’m not an active onine blogger, twitterer, Arsebook follower and so on, too much is happening in the real physical world. A supercompressed overview of what’s been going […]


Still Riding the Hurricane

Still Riding the Hurricane Crazy Urban Commando Missions. Haven’t even had time to update this web log in 3 weeks since I came back from Suriname (with plenty footage and stills). Very intense time in London and Amsterdam now, manoeuvring between 5 different projects, one of them a challenging commercial. Had a meeting in The […]


Scouting and Pre-Production

Scouting and Pre-Production Haven’t updated the weblog for a while, have been loaded with work in London, then on the move for the last 3 weeks, scouting locations in Suriname at the moment, both jungle and urban, while organizing logistics, security etc for the next feature film project. Only occasionally access to an internet work […]